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Sunday, January 21, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 15 this article was published in the month of november rule of law (rol) index 2022  world justice project (wjp) released rol index 2022. the wjp is an independent multidisciplinary organization working to create knowledge build awareness and stimulate action to advance the rule of law worldwide.  shine india monthly magazine telugu key highlights rol has declined globally for fifth year in a row. india has ranked 77 out of 140 countries. topped by denmark.  as per world justice projects definition the rule of law is “a durable system of laws institutions norms and community commitment” that delivers the following universal principles accountability (of government as well as private actors under the law) just law (i.e. law which is clear publicized stable and applied evenly; and ensures rights open government (i.e. accessible fair and efficient processes by which the law is adopted administered adjudicated and enforced) accessible and impartial justice (i.e. timely justice delivered by competent ethical and independent representatives and neutral parties who are accessible have adequate resources and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve) shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine  

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 11 this article was published in the month of november right to vote for undertrials  supreme court (sc) has decided to examine law depriving undertrials the right to vote.  decision to examine came on a petition challenging section 62 (5) of representation of the people act (rpa) 1951 which deprives prisoners of their right to vote. this restriction does not apply to a person under preventive detention.  according to latest national crime reports bureau (ncrb) report there are around 5.5 lakh prisoners in various jails across country. arguments supporting prisoners right to vote arguments against  section 62(5) of rpa is discriminatory because of its broad language which denies right to vote even to those detained in civil prison.  considered unreasonable as a convicted person allowed to vote if on bail while denying this right to even undertrials if in prison.  right to vote is cornerstone of a democracy.  shine india monthly magazine telugu in anukul chandra pradhan v. union of india (1997) sc upheld constitutional validity of section 62 (5) as right to vote is not conferred as per article 14 of constitution. o right to vote is subjected to limitations imposed by legislature. it helps to avoid criminalization of politics and maintain election integrity.  resource crunch as permitting this would require greater security arrangements shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine  

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article can be seen in the magazine kazhuveli the second largest brackish water wetland in south india is one of the largest waterfowl congregation sites in tamil nadu.  part of the central asian migratory path of birds forests mangrove forests fauna and flora  it is known as a raptor roosting site for species like the eastern imperial eagle greater spotted eagle red-necked falcon etc.  the grey-tailed tattler a rare migratory wader has been recorded only here and in pulicat (largest brackish water lake in south india). Junior science refresher magazine subscription west bengal buxa tiger reserve-btr (west bengal)  recently a royal bengal tiger has been spotted in buxa tiger reserve after at least 23 years. geographical location and other important features  it is situated at the easternmost extension of extreme bio-diverse north-east india & represents the highly endemic indo-malayan region.  btr lies in alipurduar sub-division of jalpaiguri district of west bengal.  its northern boundary runs along the international border with bhutan.  the phipsu wildlife sanctuary of bhutan is contiguous to the north of btr. manas national park lies east of btr.  it serves as an international corridor for elephant migration between india and bhutan. rivers sankosh raidak jayanti churnia turturi phashkhawa dima and nonani. forests fragile "terai ecosystem" constitutes a part of this reserve fauna and flora  one of the rarest birds in india the black – necked crane has been sighted during winter  apart from tigers animals like elephants leopard himalayan black bears civets giant squirrel gaur bengal florican regal python chinese pangolin hispid hare hog deer. 3.5.14. key fauna and flora in news terrestrial species asiatic lion Junior science refresher magazine subscription price 

Junior science refresher magazine

Thursday, January 4, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 13 building houses via land reclamation or within sand dune areas has a long-term impact on coastal processes and sediment stability.  sand removal above replenishable quantities from the coast upsets the longshore sand transport budget and can result in erosion down drift. groynes and jetties and other structures on the coast/shoreline interfere with long-shore sand transport and can result in erosion when these are illdesigned.  the mining of sand/gravel along beaches and in the surf zone will cause erosion by depleting the shore of its sediment resources.  coral mining and other means of spoiling the protective coral reefs also cause coastal erosion and beach degradation.  shine india monthly magazine telugu the removal of dune vegetation and mangroves due to man interventions causes exposure of the low-energy shorelines to the increased energy and reduced sediment stability shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine