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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, January 13, 2020

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india releases the magazine every month for the candidates who are preparing for bank examinations. One of the articles which are published in shine india English monthly magazine is here which says india refrains from UNGA voting on capital punishment  in page number 29 of august 2019.
On june 28th 2019, india has abstained from voting on a united nations general assembly resolution to find the possibility to end the trade in goods used for capital punishment and torchure. 81 voted in favor, 20 voted against and 44 abstained from resolution.
The first secretary in indias permanent mission to the un paulami tripathi started that it was unacceptable to place death penality on par with torchure. The UNGA adopted the resolution ‘towards torchure- free trade: examining the feasiblility, scope, and parameters for possible common international standards’.

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